Yale (despite the food poisoning, getting stuck in detroit and getting stuck in an elevator) was definitely a great experience! I didn't get to spend a ton of time there but I connected with a lot of people. As honored as I felt though, I'm not sure how happy I would be there. New Haven isn't exactly the place I see myself living. I really liked all the people there though, my recruiting class, the faculty and the students already in the grad program. I officially got my acceptance to Yale this past weekend and it's something I never though would happen. Even if I say know I feel like I can have some great confidence having been accepted to Yale. Growing up I never even saw that as a possibility. It was always something that seemed out of my reach but I'm so grateful for the open door there right now!
Duke on the other hand I really connected with! The faculty were incredible and seemed to really like me and see things on the same page as me! The campus is gorgeous and I think I could live in Durham if I wanted to make it work! The sad part is that I wasn't super excited about my recruiting class. I liked the students who were a couple years older than me but I wasn't really excited about the students I would be in classes with. And one of the only students I did hit it off with probably isn't going to Duke. That being said, I don't make my whole decision based on that....
And then there was Hopkins.... not a huge fan there actually. I got to interview with a lot of women in science which was very cool and very helpful but I just didn't feel a connection with the school or the people really. I had the most fun so far with my recruiting class but I'm not sure if in the end that would persuade me to go there. I had some ok interviews but really didn't click with anything. And I decided I would love to visit the Harbor and Fells Point in Baltimore but I really don't think I'm be excited about living there.
So that's three out of the 6 schools.....
Yale is an honor, Duke was pretty much awesome, and Hopkins was a good experience....
So now I have 3 more schools to visit. UNC I'm sure I'll like and I have realized that I really need my interview at Colorado because I just don't know that much about the actual graduate program and I think that'll be really important to help me make my decision.
We'll have to see how all of this pans out...